
Livestock Additives

Liquid Drench and Feed Premixes.

Standard: GMP / Plus


Veenic pro relating to metabolism, The whole range of biochemical proceses that occur within all livestock.
10 Kg Veenic-Pro Contains

Vitamin A ___ 10,000,000 IU

Vitamin D3 ___ 1,500,000 IU

Vitamin E ___ 3,000 IU

Vitamin B1/Thiamine mononitrate ___ 500 mg

Vitamin B2 ___ 1,500 mg

Niacin ___ 10,000 mg

Choline chloride ___ 3,000 mg

Calcium-D-pantothenate ___ 2,600 mg

Vitamin B6 ___ 200 mg

Biotin ___ 500 mg

Folic acid ___ 500 mg

Iron (Iron sulphate monohydrate) ___ 20,000 mg

Cupper (Copper sulphate pentahydrate) ___ 5,000 mg

Zinc (Zinc sulphate, monohydrate) ___ 35,000 mg

Manganese (Manganous sulphate monohydrate) ___ 30,000 mg

Iodium (Potassium Iodide) ___ 600 mg

Cobalt (Coated granulated cobalt(II) carbonate) ___ 500 mg

Selenium (Sodium selenite) ___ 550 mg

Sodium (Na) ___ 20,000 mg

Magnesium (Mg) ___ 22,000 mg

Calcium (Ca) ___ 24,000 mg

Phosphor (P) ___ 18,000 mg

Live yeast 15x109 CFU

Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) ___ 5,000 mg

Toxin binder ___ 200,000 mg

Sodium bi carbonate ___ 100,000 mg

Aroma ___ 5,000 mg

DL-methionine, technically pure ___ 3,000

L-lysine monohydrochloride, technically pure 3,500 mg

Calcium carbonate Carrier to reach ___ 10 kg

Dosage & Administration:

Administer via Mixing in Feed
Livestock: 50 gm to 75 gm / Animal.
Calf and Goats: 10 gm to 20 gm / Animal.


Keep closed in a cool and dry place. Consult a veterinarian before use.


Yeastro Fix that aim to adsorb Mycotoxins in the gastrointestinal tract of animals, making them unavailable for systemic absorption.
1 Kg Yeastro-Fix Contains

Bentonite/Montmorillonit ___ 800,000 mg

Inactive Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) ___ 40%

Administer via Mixing in Feed
Livestock: 50 gm to 75 gm / Animal.
Calf and Goats: 10 gm to 20 gm / Animal.


Keep closed in a cool and dry place. Consult a veterinarian before use.


Veentox the most commonly used for mycotoxin-binding agents are the hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate and bentonite.
1 Kg Veentox Contains

Bentonite/Montmorillonit ___ 600,000 mg

Hydrated Sodium Calcium Aluminosilicate ___ 400,000 mg (as carrier)

Dosage & Administration:

Administer via Mixing in Feed
Livestock: 50 gm to 75 gm / Animal.
Calf and Goats: 10 gm to 20 gm / Animal.


Keep closed in a cool and dry place. Consult a veterinarian before use.


Protect from retained placenta, metritis and endometritis and ensure higher bioavailability of calcium for better health, making strong bone development.
1 Liter Calvee Post Contains

Phosphorous ___ 5,000 mg

Calcium ___ 25,000 mg

Sodium ___ 10,000 mg

Magnesium ___ 5,000 mg

Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate ___ 5,000 mg

Manganese Chloride Tetrahydrate ___ 5,000 mg

Zinc Chloride Monohydrate ___ 4,000 mg

Cobalt Acetate Tetrahydrate ___ 200 mg

Iron Sulfate Monohydrate ___ 3,000 mg

Purified water (carrier) up to qsp ___ 1,000 ml

Dosage & Administration:

Administer via Orally
Adult Horses & Camels: 40 - 80 ml
Young Horses & Camels: 20 - 40 ml
Buffalos and Cattle: 40 ml
Sheep and Goats: 10 ml
Lambs: 7 ml
Calves: 15 ml
Rabbits and racing Dogs: 0.5 ml


Keep closed in a cool and dry place. Consult a veterinarian before use.


Helps to optimize ovarian functions, reproductive efficiency, induces heat, enhances fertility, maintains body weight and hormonal secretion, reduces risk of retained placenta.
1 Kg Repro Heat Contains

Iron Chloride Hexahydrate ___ 18,300 mg

Cobalt Acetate Tetrahydrate ___ 360 mg

Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate ___ 47,000 mg

Manganese Sulphate Monohydrate ___ 16,800 mg

Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate ___ 44,600 mg

L-Lysine Monohydrochloride ___ 5,000 mg

DL-Methionine ___ 10,000 mg

Choline Chloride ___ 52,000 mg

Purified water (carrier) up to qsp ___ 1,000 ml

Dosage & Administration:

Administer via drinking water
Horses & Camels: 10 ml / 100 Kg body weight
Cattle & Buffalos: 15 ml / 100 Kg body weight
Lambs: 2.5 ml / 25 Kg body weight
Sheep, Goats & Ewes: 1 ml / 10 Kg body weight.


Keep closed in a cool and dry place. Consult a veterinarian before use.


Phyto-activity to protect the target animals from the risk of digestive disorder specifically Tympany/Bloat. It keeps animal free from risk of fermented gas.
1 Liter Gastro Vee Contains

Propionic Acid 99% ___ 160,000 mg

Sodium Formate ___ 150,000 mg

Acetic Acid 80% ___ 85,000 mg

Citric Acid Monohydrate ___ 32,000 mg

Phorphoric Acid 85% ___ 32,000 mg

DL-Malic Acid 99% ___ 31,000 mg

Lactic Acid 80% ___ 15,000 mg

Sorbic Acid 99% ___ 3,000 mg

Purified water (carrier) up to qsp ___ 1,000 ml

Dosage & Administration:

Administer via drinking water
Horses & Camels: 20 ml / 100 Kg body weight
Cattle & Buffalos: 30 ml / 100 Kg body weight
Lambs: 2.5 ml / 25 Kg body weight
Sheep, Goats & Ewes: 1 ml / 10 Kg body weight.


Keep closed in a cool and dry place. Consult a veterinarian before use.


Optimizes enzymatic and celluloytic activities & fiber Digestion. Beneficial effects on nutrient utilization for better growth, production & reproduction.
1 Kg Anipol Yeast Contains

Saccharomyces cerevisiae ___ 20 billion CFU

Lactobacillus acidophilus ___ 5 billion CFU

See weed ___ 100 mcg

HSCAS (Anticacking agent)up to ___ 1,000 gm

Dosage & Administration:

Administer via Mixing in Feed
Livestock: 3 gm to 5 gm / 100 kg body weight.
Calf and Goats: 1 gm to 2 gm / 30 kg body weight.


Keep closed in a cool and dry place. Consult a veterinarian before use.


Exert positive effects on animal health and well-being by stabilising their intestinal flora and reinforcing immune modulation and natural alternatives to treatments.
1 Kg Rumi Yeast Contains

Saccharomyces cerevisiae ___ 80 billion CFU

HSCAS (Anticacking agent)up to ___ 1,000 gm

Dosage & Administration:

Administer via Mixing in Feed
Livestock: 3 gm to 5 gm / 100 kg body weight.
Calf and Goats: 1 gm to 2 gm / 30 kg body weight.


Keep closed in a cool and dry place. Consult a veterinarian before use.


Natural growth promoter, which improves feed utilization, nutrient digestibility and body physiology, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and immunostimulant in animal's nutrition.
1 Liter Garvee Contains

Garlic essential oil ___ 120 mg

Mint essential oil ___ 4 mg

Lemon Peel essential oil ___ 100 mg

Cinnamon essential oil ___ 40 mg

Ginger essential oil ___ 40 mg

Glyceryl polyethyleneglycol ricinoleate ___ 500 mg

Liquid carrier to reach ___ 1,000 ml

Dosage & Administration:

Administer via drinking water
Livestock: 10 ml / 100 kg body weight.


Keep closed in a cool and dry place. Consult a veterinarian before use.


Prevent hypocalcimia, milk fever & abomasum displacement and ensures higher bioavailability of calcium for better growth and rich milk yielding.
1 Liter Calvit-D3 Contains

Vitamin D3 ___ 160,000 I.U

Calcium Gluconate ___ 83,300 mg

Calcium Hypophosphite ___ 25,000 mg

Heamitic Phytogenic conc. ___ 50,000 mg

Ferric ammonium citrate ___ 16,700 mg

Vitamin B-12 ___ 1670 mcg

Carrier Liquid to Reach___ 1000 ml

Dosage & Administration:

Administer via drinking water
Camel: 40 ml / day
Buffalos and Cattle: 30 ml / day
Sheep and Goats: 10 ml / day


Keep closed in a cool and dry place. Consult a veterinarian before use.


Supports faster growth to the udder and provides strength to combat and protect animal from the risk of mastitis and helpful in keeping normal milk pH, milk yield, and strengthen udder muscles.
1 Liter Vudder Pro Contains

Vitamin A (Retinyl Palmitate) ___ 10,000,000 IU

Vitamin D3 ___ 3,000,000 IU

Vitamin E(dl-alpha-tocopheril acetate) ___ 6,000 mg

Vitamin K (Menadione Sodium Bisulfite) ___ 1,200 mg

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine monochlorhydrate) ___ 1,000 mg

Vitamin B3 Niacinamide ___ 2,500 mg

Viamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid/Calcium D-pantothenate) ___ 1,000 mg

Vitamin B6/Pyridoxine Hydrochloride ___ 1,500 mg

Sodium Citrate ___ 20,000 mg

Sodium Propionate ___ 2,000 mg

Potassium Citrate ___ 15,000 mg

Sorbic Acid ___ 500 mg

L-Lysine Monohydrochloride ___ 5,000 mg

Glycine ___ 2,000 mg

L-Threonine ___ 5,000 mg

L-Tryptophane ___ 1,000 mg

DL-Methionine ___ 2,000 mg

Carrier Liquid to Reach___ 1000 ml

Dosage & Administration:

Administer via drinking water
Camels: 30 ml / 100 Kg body weight
Cattle & Buffalos: 20 ml / 100 Kg body weight
Lambs: 5 ml / 25 Kg body weight
Sheep, Goats & Ewes: 5 ml / 10 Kg body weight.


Keep closed in a cool and dry place. Consult a veterinarian before use.


It supports better milk yield and quality and maintain vitality, productivity, immunity, growth and performan and increase general health status in lactating animals. Milk increase can be observed from the fourth day of feeding.
1 Kg Dairy Max Contains

Calcium ___ 37.1%

Vitamin A ___ 600,000 mg

Vitamin D3 ___ 116,000 mg

Vitamin E ___ 1,560 mg

Biotin ___ 20 mg

Manganese ___ 3,300 mg

Manganese glycenate ___ 1,100 mg

Zinc ___ 3,000 mg

Iron ___ 704 mg

Hydroxy Copper 1,400 mg

Iodine 70 mg

Selenium 16 mg

Cobalt ___ 40 mg

Antioxidant ___ 900 mg

Anticaking ___ 10,200 mg

Carrier up to reach ___ 1,000 gm

Dosage & Administration:

Administer via Mixing in Feed
Camel and Cattle: 75 gm to 100 gm / day / animal.
Calf, Sheep & Goat: 20 gm to 25 gm / day / animal.


Keep closed in a cool and dry place. Consult a veterinarian before use.


With better milk yield, cofactor for enzymes that are involved in fat metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism and energy production, and it is critical to cattle health as an antioxidant.
1 Kg Minomax Adv Contains

Calcium ___ 22.6%

Phosphorus ___ 3%

Vitamin A ___ 800,000 IU

Vitamin D3 ___ 133,400 IU

Vitamin E ___ 6,670 IU

Biotin ___ 106.8 mg

Manganese ___ 4,670 mg

Manganese Organic ___ 2,669 mg

Copper ___ 834 mg

Hydroxy Copper 668 mg

Zinc ___ 8,000 mg

Hydroxy Zinc ___ 4,025 mg

Organic Iodine ___ 267 mg

Selenium ___ 26.7 mg

Organic Selenium ___ 26.7 mg

Organic Cobalt ___ 134 mg

Organic Chromium ___ 26.7 mg

Antioxidant ___ 1,200 mg

Anticaking ___ 5,000 mg

Carrier up to reach ___ 1,000 gm

Dosage & Administration:

Administer via Mixing in Feed
Camel and Cattle: 75 gm to 100 gm / day / animal.
Calf, Sheep & Goat: 20 gm to 25 gm / day / animal.


Keep closed in a cool and dry place. Consult a veterinarian before use.


improve growth performance by enhancing the intestinal microbiota population a good source of fiber, which helps the growth of healthy bacteria in animals's gut. .
1 Liter Cheevo Oil Contains

Sweet chestnut extract ___ 500,000 mg

Clove oil ___ 8500 mg

Isopropanol ___ 50,000 mg

Glycerol ___ 250,000 mg

Potassium sorbate ___ 150 mg

Carrier up to qsp ___ 1,000 ml

Dosage & Administration:

Administer via drinking water
Camel and Cattle: 10 ml / day / animal.
Calf, Sheep & Goat: 5 ml / day / animal.

Packing: 100 ml, 300 ml


Keep closed in a cool and dry place. Consult a veterinarian before use.